
How the Travel Channel deal went down …

Many, many years ago, I went to a music seminar in a galaxy far away. Taxi, in LA, to be exact. If you don’t know what Taxi is, then suffice to say it’s a huge, sweaty mess of desperate songwriters that want to get their material heard / placed in movies & TV / covered by Rianna or Carrie Underwood, and/or they somehow want to receive validation with regards to their writing and singing. (more…)

By admin, ago

Best Way to Screw Up Your Songwriting Saturday Morning

Sit up.  Wince yourself out of bed.  Ginger steps downstairs.  Prepare to make coffee without turning on the lights because it would be way too bright for your sleep deprived eyes.  Your feet hurt bad.  You HAD to wear the improbably high, wonderfully sexy and, yet, uncomfortable wooden shoes to last night’s three hour gig (standing).    (more…)

By admin, ago